My stories of jewelry making, spinning, knitting, and all things fibery.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Essential Oil Therapy for Autumn

The amount of time off I have from the day job never seems to equate with what I have spinning around in my head! So whenever I can I sneak little projects in here and there. The latest of these was a few hours spent making hydrosols from some of the lavender and rosemary I harvested from my dooryard garden.
These simple to create refreshers can be made with pretty much what you have lying around your kitchen and perhaps a trip to the local  market or grocery store. In essence you are "steaming" herbs and collecting the scented condensation. There are many tutorials available on the web, but I used this one from YouTube :  Making Your Own Hydrosol.

I am a huge fan of using essential oils start the day with an invigorati ng lemon or peppermint shower, to dab tea tree oil on a cut or to steam a stuffed up nose with eucalyptus.  Aromatherapy can most definately change your state of mind and it's good for the senses!

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