The Daylight Savings Time change always signals an increase in work load and activity for me. Although the shortened days seem to make me want to hibernate when I'm at home, at work I'm gearing up for the busy holiday season. Getting the shop in order for Thanksgiving and anticipating the arrival of fir trees and Christmas greenery always starts me thinking about what I'll do around my house.
This year we have a new kitty. He's an adorable terror. I don't think he can be trusted with Grandma's antique ornaments...so it looks like the theme will be wood and plastic!
I'm finishing the last few things for Stone and Fiber for the holidays and will list them shortly. Then it's time for family gift shopping -mostly online at Etsy -and decorating the house. I will most likely start up spinning again, as most of my fleeces are washed and waiting patiently for me in the downstairs closet. Spinning is very relaxing and it provides me with the opportunity to think about new designs for Stone and Fiber for Spring 2011. I'm excited to be doing a line of lightweight hand knotted necklaces. Stay tuned here...there may be sneak peeks!
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