On the last visit to my just discovered local knitting store, I stumbled upon this adorable heart clasp. It inspired me to try my hand at felting again. I've had some successful projects in the past as well as some failures.
As long as you use a 100% wool, the pattern can be pretty straightforward. I'm thinking of a simple shoulder bag for myself for this pattern, and will knit a much larger size in order to allow for the shrinking during the felting process. All the pieces are sewn together before introducing it into the hot water in the washing machine. Then process as many times as needed to get the desired results!
I'm debating whether to wait until my Karakul fleece is spun up or use some of my holiday gift money and pay a visit to the Cornwall Yarn Shop. The Karakul is rather coarse and the color is a very natural blend of brown, creme and gray, which would felt into a rather unusual pattern.
Think I'll use the Karakul...it will motivate me to spin all the other projects in line faster.